MiMental Mindset is a transformative and comprehensive program centered on promoting mental well–being and developing emotional resilience among students.

Success Starts
in the Mind

MiMental Mindset is an after-school program that provides students with the tools necessary for a growth mindset. Our program implements a 3 phase process to success:


We pinpoint and address the root causes of teens' mental health challenges. Through this process, we identify the common thread in the daily mental health challenges faced by teens and develop a course of action.


We help students heal from those triggers through discussions, workshops, and a platform to vent using our framework, the Mielle Method.


We rebuild students' mindsets through our weekly after-school program, providing fundamental life tools and mental health-related mechanisms necessary for post-graduate success.

How it Works

Through workshops, activities, and resources, students are guided to cultivate a positive mindset, effectively manage stress, and build healthy coping mechanisms. MiMental Mindset empowers students to prioritize their mental health throughout the academic year and beyond. MiMental Mindset centers on three key phases: Identify, Heal, and Rebuild. Each phase incorporates a series of Mi–tiers, guiding participants on a transformative journey towards well–being.

The Mielle Method

Support the Mission

MiMental Mindset is a transformative and comprehensive program centered on promoting mental well–being and developing emotional resilience among students.